Can you trust yourself? I mean really can you trust your decisions and your actions? I understand if it seems odd, but I think many of us get so used to people telling us what to do that we don’t stop and trust our own decisions…in fact we simply look for influence outside of our own minds.
This is important because in the big scheme of things I’m talking about families, and seasoned adults. Let me make myself clear, I do not get a pass on this either. The media is our biggest foe, our biggest influencer and our biggest dictator. Most people are literally sucked into the trends and the fads that surround us.
Now that the cat’s out of the bag …think about i!. If the weather man says it’s 75 with a chance of rain, it’s reasonable to be cautious, but if you hear a speculative report on the radio or news about a store closing or an advertisement about iHop, we are suddenly in the mood to shop or in the mood for those pancakes. The media’s influence usually dictates our choices more than we realize.
We have to consider getting back to dining and various types of entertainment because we want to…not because of a radio announcement or TV ad. This holds true with our personal lives also. Do you save, do you vacation, do you marry because others are doing it or because it’s trending?
Those can be considered costly or important choices to make. I believe it goes back to being quiet and waiting for the answers to come to us. We are such a busy people that it’s seems un-natural to be still. If you are still you will make better choices regarding almost anything.
One of my coaches once told me to trust myself more and I didn’t need him to tell me that, but he was right! Take a chance, take a risk at least with 2 basic or moderate things and maybe 1 sort of big thing. Whatever the purpose is, it doesn’t completely matter, just move out of your comfort zone and you’ll find that “yeah, I should be doing this anyway” mindset will come to you.
New paths are just that new…you have what it takes to discern what’s good for you and what’s not good. Give yourself a bit more credit and rely on what’s got you to this point. If you don’t know…”ya gotta ask somebody” or as Maya Angelou says “when you know better, you do better.”
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