It’s up to you to make the changes that you ultimately want to have in your life. The opportunity to change is available to all of us, but many of us don’t choose it simply because we’re unfamiliar and uncomfortable with change.
Change can be good and change can be bad, however you’ll never know if you don’t take the chance and try it. Most people see change as something negative and it’s understandable that they resist it. The change that you want in your life may truly be something that will serve you once you give in to the opportunity and find out.
For the people that see change as a positive force or a positive challenge, they can be disappointed but more often I think that they are pleasantly surprised because they see that the attempt at being different, doing something different, or obtaining something different can do for them.
If you succeed while changing you will begin to appreciate all the benefits and the risk that was at hand. If you don’t succeed, for some people that’s just the nail in the coffin. What I mean by the nail in the coffin is, they will never try something that they’re not comfortable with again, or it will take a lot for them to even consider taking a chance to trying something outside of their comfort zone.
So my suggestion to you just as it is for myself os tp embrace change and embrace the discomfort and find out what you’re truly made of. It’s the beginning of the year let’s walk out on faith and change our lives for what it could be and we find out what it will be!
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