Is honest feedback something you’re able to embrace? As fate will have it, we will all be faced with feedback from time to time, but how open minded are you when it comes to receiving it? Is feedback something you look at in order to improve? Once again, feedback should be something that we can learn from and grow from.
I must be totally honest, I am guilty and so are many of my colleagues…we have been telling people for years to avoid the negative people. Now, don’t get me wrong it’s true we should. Too much negativity is unhealthy. However, from time to time I can be a sporting type of chap and a good healthy NO or some resistance will probably wake me up like a cold slap in the face.
Do you remember that old commercial..the guy get’s slapped in the face and then says …thanks I needed that! I don’t remember if it was Vitalis, Electra shave or High Karate…but that’s what a good, grimy well intention bit of resistance can do for me at times. It’s the disbelief that makes me grind harder.
It’s wonderful to have support and that is what we work for and what we work towards. but consider this.
If everyday was the same, and by the same I mean all out massive success or a steady beat of success…do you think you would look forward to the next day in the same manner already knowing what it offers? If so, how long do you think that mindset would last before it became boring or humdrum.
How long would it last before you started wasting money and resources knowing that you could replace it the next day?
If everyday were the same would you offer your best customer service?
If everyday was the same would you dress your best?
The resistance we encounter, allows us the ability to appreciate the Yes that we need! However, remember a good healthy NO can keep it all in perspective. Go get your NO’s and stay grateful and purpose driven.
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