I can remember not wanting to have anything to do with the internet. I didn’t want an email address and I didn’t want to get on the computer at all. That was the mindset I had back in 1997. Since then I’ve owned at least 3 PC’s 2 imac’s, 2 or 3 laptops and about 20 different email addresses.
What a change in perspective. I’d imagine when our needs or interest changes, so do our motives and willingness. Now the big ticket use to be AOL, but of course now we have various ISP’s (internet service providers). The same is true with computer options (Gateway, IBM, Compaq, HP and a few others).
I guess the point is whether it’s a desktop, laptop or our hand held smartphones…technology is in a race. Is it in a competition with other countries or is it like us…it’s just trying to out itself? For the consumer it seems that the shelf life of a computer generally speaking is 6 months and it’s suddenly time for the new model.
We probably can’t do anything about the frequency of updates, pushes and new technology, but it would be really great if we weren’t force to by new hardware and software so often. I think there could be more to it…they have a direct line to our wallets. They don’t seem to service the older technology at all, hence you need to upgrade, I need to upgrade, we all need to upgrade for optimal performance.
My mother worked for the telephone company and they were one of the first corporations to work with computers…today (even at 84yrs old) she is scared to death to even touch a computer. Maybe I’m just getting older and beginning to become settled in my ways ?
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