Making a way out of no way!

What does it mean to have a healthy self esteem? Every word, phrase, passage, story or whatever has a definition, or a meaning if you will. But it seems to me that as time evolves the way we do things has evolved on so many levels. Becoming overwhelmed is probably very common, but a contributing factor to a un-healthy self esteem.
I recognize this in my self esteem approach and not the only way to address low self esteem. The difference is that most people either don’t recognize it within themselves or are ashamed of their low self worth. My solution which is economical and practical is to work on you…your self! If you can afford a doctor for a diagnosis that’s great, but if their is any type of stumbling block try this!
Idea #1
The internet has placed an overwhelming abundance of information at our finger tips. That simply means you can search or order your way to a better understanding of almost any information. Consider books, CD’s, DVD’s, magazines or online blogs, videos or podcast about self esteem.
It’s not always that simple but if you know that you feel depressed / down or that you are struggling to be heard or struggling to fit in…that might be a good sign. Let me re-state my point that…if you can get professional help knowing something is off DO IT! However, if you’re a person that already knows this about yourself, then you can help yourself.
Remember the old cartoon in the back of the magazines or comic books about the skinny guy on the beach that would get sand kicked in his face? Suddenly he sees the ad in the magazine and get’s bulked up! What happens next? The girls want him and he is able to confront the bully (he built up his self esteem because he realized what he wanted and changed his circumstances)!
Idea 2
Go to a conference, training, bootcamp or a workshop (relative to your interest or your challenge). Yep, once again I’m stressing that if you want change you must be willing to participate in the process. This is a journey that will serve you the rest of your life if you let it! When you go to and participate in one of these venues it will open your eyes to whatever your challenge / shortcoming may be!
The goal is to learn as much as possible, so that you have an opportunity to change yourself for the better. That’s called intentional growth! A training event has more potential for you to get some immediate practice, but all should provide a huge amount of content for you to walk away with.
Idea 3
I want you to make a list of all of the things that you are good at or interested in. For now use just one side of one page. After that is done, then put a star or a check next to the item(s) that you are actively participating in right now. I’d say that most people have 2 or three things going on as an average. If you have a one-sided sheet of paper listing your items and you are not involved in any of them…I’d say that’s a problem.
The way you see yourself and your time is probably the biggest factor, never the less we need to change some things. This is the point in which you can contact me or revisit ideas #1 and #2. Please realize that you are good enough or you wouldn’t have read down this far and you wouldn’t have made your list. Even if it’s a mental which IS NOT THE ASSIGNMENT…it shows that you want it…what is it? That’s yet to be determined!
From my upcoming book: Aligned by Design
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