I’m no different than many other people as far as having life challenges. It took me a long time to come to terms with some things that life would throw at me. After the initial challenges with substance abuse everything was on the upswing. I found myself looking at life through a totally different lens.
I began doing things that were not on my radar and initially they seemed un-obtainable. Although, I must admit that in many respects, life seemed grand. In contrast when you think about it…what would you prefer cloudy day or clear days? That was how I felt having a new lease on life. I began speaking more locally which led to speaking on the road.
There’s always more to your life than you may realize. It doesn’t matter what phase you’re experiencing…trust me when I say it, something is always brewing. Whether positive or negative life is full of compounded surprises. So, no matter what be appreciative for the success you experience, but have an even keel mindset also.
The ability to switch emotional gears at a moments notice will come in handy, especially if you’re goal oriented or if you have a heavy workload.
Little did I know my next road block would be waiting on me! This time it was CANCER. I was diagnosed with cancer in 2003 and I was totally unprepared for what would follow. Its the same as in daily life, you just don’t see it coming and it falls on you. You’re expected to work overtime, or you have a big bill to pay, or some unexpected situations takes over your daily routine and you have to re-assess. Trust me I had to re-assess big time.All of my projects and many extra curricular activities were all put on hold.
After two bouts with cancer and overcoming substance abuse I’ve been in films with Nicholas Cage, I’ve been on a reality show, I’ve written 4 books and travel all around the country speaking on change and resilience! Sometimes if you’re not to careful you will learn that the tragedy in life is there to build strength or character.
You need to know yourself inside and out. You need to understand what you were here to do with your life and if it’s correct…how do you protect that talent, that gift, or that dream. It is the right mindset. In some cases you may not have a specific name for your “sweet spot”, but never the less.
So my main objective is simply that failing in life is serious, but it doesn’t have to be critical. I failed my family early on, I failed my health (myself), I failed at various opportunities and I learned that you can be resilient and change your circumstances for the better.
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