Hey I understand things happen that are uncontrollable…yes, that’s life. However, it’s an entirely different thing to let people treat you as an after thought. So how do I define after thought? An after thought is when you are simply not the first choice or you’re not the preferred choice. In fact you may be chosen because there are no other choices.
It all boils down to values and value. Do you have a healthy self-esteem? If so, then you already understand your worth and what this write up is alluding to. Those that call on you as an after thought are those that are looking for a deal or those that want something for nothing (FREE).
This is for all people (entrepreneurs and family folk alike). It doesn’t matter if it’s a business transaction, a social interaction or a daily occurrence. Baby’s cry for it and men die for it. What is it…ATTENTION! There’s nothing wrong with attention when the motives for that attention are genuine or with good merit.
Our society today is very sensitive…I’d go so far as to say many of us are hurting. So let your intentions and motives be pure and clearly understood. I believe in clarity and simplicity, which goes back to old school values.
Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Don’t say anything if you have nothing kind to say.
Speak when spoken to (and maybe, speak when not spoken to)
Some tradition may seem old fashion, but the golden rule will always be in style.
My suggestion as it relates to people that do treat you like an after-thought is to kindly let them down. There are many times when people speak so fast that they truly do not take the time to think things through. I understand that everything happens for a reason and since we are not mind readers, well let’s just say we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.
Then there will be people that offend us knowingly and they will fall into this after-thought category and well it will seem like the tables have turned for you to offer them a teachable moment.
That can be on either side of the coin:
At the end of the day you should be treated with respect and you should treat others that way also. Some of us are much more sensitive and we have to consider all things when approaching one another. I know it’s a tall order for the non-sensitive types, but imagine if it were you or someone that you cared about!
January 21st, 2017 I’m putting on an exclusive bootcamp and I’d like to invite you. It’s a combo bootcamp (public speaking and book writing) it’s economical, it’s filled with hands on experience (role play and scenarios) and a ton of bonuses http://thewordsmithspeakersalliance.com
Consider this bootcamp or consider a mentor or coach: http://sircharlescaryinccom
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