Bouncing back during tough times can be just as challenging as it was to fall off or miss the mark in the first place, but just as the title suggest…It’s totally worth it! Just to be in that conversation makes it all worthwhile. Many people experience the fall from grace (according to their own definition) and feel that…IT’S ALL OVER!
Nothing could be further from the truth unless you’re talking about death. I always think that there’s always a chance, a possibility or even a morsel of hope that you can come back from a failure. Hey, once you’ve lost it’s in the books, but you don’t have to just lay there! Get up!
Do realize that the state of the world that we’ve come to know could be totally different! Somebody had the guts to forge ahead and be challenged, as well as challenge themselves. All of the wars, the inventions, the books, the formulas, the sporting milestones, etc…need I go on?
Bouncing back should be what we all are made of. Although, I understand how unrealistic that can be, it seems to be the mantra of the good ole USA and every other country seems to know it. People in other countries have experienced various types of oppression, The United States is their resilience destination!
Transition, transformation, change & resilience are the family members to the effort of life. So where are you on this scale? Have you cleared the hurtles entirely and everything is smooth sailing or are you in the trenches of your ultimate destination?
Are you rebranding, are you just settling in to your message, have re-charted the course for your life and or business, or are you just getting up from a bad investment or business venture of some sort? The old timers would say if you live long enough you’ll experience some of it!
I suggest a true call to action that doesn’t require my coaching or mentoring. Get a simple pen and paper and draw a line down the center. On the left side write down where you are and on the right side, write down where you should be or want to be. There is no set time for this exercise, but I’d say give it at least an hour. Contact me afterwards, so that we can discuss the results.
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