Making a way out of no way!
Are you getting what you deserve? NOW…how are you reading it and what does that mean to you? Are you entitled to something because of your talents and it’s pretty clear that you can go far, do really well because of those talents. Perhaps technically it’s the total opposite. Maybe you’ve done so badly in whatever way that every time you turn around, you my friend are kissing a brick wall.
I’d like to think that I have gotten what I deserve from both perspectives, but as time moves on my chances of a positive outcome are also waiting on me because I deserve more, I deserve better. “The right mindset is all you need” that’s one of my catch phrases and I feel it speaks volumes. It’s important for you to protect your mind, so that you control what enters it.
Our brains are our personal living CPU, the upgrade is the experience and credentials we acquire. Maya Angelou said it best. When you know better you do better. So like me and I’m hoping like you we have done enough bad and now our sole focus is on the good things with people and the good things in life.
One of the keys with that type of focus, is the proper designation. I say it all the time in my keynotes…”you want to be aligned where you’re designed” Each and every one of us is destined for a particular thing, but we must be curious to what it is. We have to learn the value in being still, the value in tranquility, the value in discernment.
When we pick up on these nuances then we will surely began to get what we deserve. Negativity and distractions prolong or keep our gift out of our reach. I talk about it in my books, my trainings, my interviews and I know when we start to buck the status quo approach of how society tell us (not in all ways, but in many traditional ways) what to and not to do … we will began to see results.
I had some really challenging life experiences for the first half of my life. Now. some might say because of those experiences I only deserve a negative reward or simply, no reward at all. I understand that train of thought. However, since my life has been spared and I’ve learned to sacrifice, and I’ve learn to educate myself and I’ve been willing to give to others, teach others, and some times support others in various ways…I’ve experience favor, blessings, fortune (not always money) and opportunity.
I’d like to think that I’m getting what I deserve…and yes wait! There’s more!
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