Many times we find ourselves just like the hamster on the wheel and we don’t even realize it. STOP, LOOK, LISTEN AND BE AWARE TO HOW THE WORLD IS INFLUENCING YOU!! At some point, we need to understand that we have allowed the lunatics to run the asylum.
There are a ton of distractions and a ton of ways to become distracted. Today we become distracted while working while driving while relaxing while using the bathroom…there is no limit to how we allow ourselves to become distracted.
The lunatics are those that influence society’s “social norm”. If you ever expect to enjoy a Peak Performance life…you have got to get used to creating your own music. Not all of the time, but enough of the time to realize that you’re out of sync. The way things are designed today, you have got to run faster, be the first, understand the new and do what everyone else is doing because you are on top of the trends.
That may fly if you want to live a trendy life, but if you want to live a Peak Performance life you need to understand what drives you and when you’re being driven!
I have fallen prey to many of the mistakes that I suggest you do not make.
Avoid constantly checking your phone for text messages
Avoid constantly checking for email
Avoid constantly checking social media
Avoid the phone to play games
Avoid making calls just to be on your smartphone
Avoid talking about everything that everyone else is talking about or doing just because it’s trendy
These are some of the most common distractions that we experience. If these are your personal distractions also, list how you will replace these habits with new habits.
Most people need something internally satisfying in order for them to stick with it long term. We may also find that social trends, algorithms, and the lack of true lessons on individuality or creativity will lead to people simply conforming to false expectations and becoming programmed.
To work at your best or to become the best version of yourself, you will be required to know how to overcome the trappings of life. It doesn’t matter who you are. As I write this message…I’m also becoming better because what works for you…also works for me.
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