Collaboration...7 Easy Steps to determine if you should.

Don’t be fooled…collaboration is something that we can all benefit from. I use to be the guy that did it all on my own and to some degree…I still do. I started getting coaches and mentors over the past 3 years and have seen a drastic change in outcomes.

Some of the outcome benefits are financial (products) and some are with potential to land speaking and training engagements. My point is that I understand why many entrepreneurs go solo. The range of reasons vary and they are valid, yet with good filters and people qualifying you can begin to get comfortable with collaborations.

1. Watch what they do when they aren’t engaging you.

2. Listen to the way that they express themselves and see if it matches their actions.

3. View or review their website, social profile, and any platform (including video) to see if they would have good chemistry with you, and you with them.

4. Over a period of time their attitude and general behavior should have a reasonable amount of consistency.

5. Work habits and ethics should align with best practices.

6. What type of credibility do they have?

7. What type of following do they have?


Being of age has its advantages and disadvantages! You can do whatever you'd like to do, but there is a cost. It's entirely up to you whether that price benefits you or not! So, you must choose wisely, because whatever the outcome is, remember YOU exercised freedom of choice.
Many times people make decisions that are not good for them. We usually consider these scenarios as experience and learning the how to's of life. If we the older experienced parents, teachers, bosses, or friends of life can add value to our younger protege's they can have a more fruitful future.
I'd imagine by design, many of us have to have these failures to appreciate the success in life. We don't realize the benefit to big picture thinking or goals making. I would say perhaps 20% of our youth are outcast in their thinking and decision making, while the remaining 80 % take the typical path at the fork in the road.
What our adults of tomorrow don't understand is that they literally are the decision makers of the future. They will become the doctors, lawyers, policemen, factory workers, artist, athletes, and teachers of the worlds future. This fork in the road is so much bigger than them and so much bigger than the United States of America. This being of age or becoming of age is about the world's future.
So while you embrace being grown, realize that not only to whom much is given much is required, but that great responsibility is waiting for it's leader not it's failure. Many times I speak about Pastor John Maxwell in my writing because the evolution of a thing in many cases is found through failure. One of the most profound books I've read was Pastor John Maxwell's book Failing Forward.  Although many aspects of the books content has escaped me, the title in itself literally speaks volumes.

Learned Lessons

Many times our best laid plans go sour, but there is always a lesson to be learned in the process. Keeping your eyes, heart, and mind open is key in gaining wisdom and in moving forward in life. When we finally get to the point that we can embrace our trials, we have begun to grow.

Passing this lesson on to others can be challenging, so its best that we learn these lessons for ourselves first. It has been said if you look hard enough for a thing, not only will you find it, but there’s also a lesson in it.

I feel that this just one of many ways that we are prepared for challenges and difficulty. The key is to be able to remember this in the midst of whatever challenges are in front of us at that time. If you are a business owner, supervisor, manager (or any other leadership capacity), the fix may be to constantly remember that you are a professional.

Although professionals make mistakes, being mindful of being a professional is instrumental in thinking before you speak or act. In most cases you are setting the tone for your office, section, division or company.

If it takes a 21 days to a month to create new habits, then stick with that as your guide. Don’t question it, just go with it. Like anything else you want to prove that you have what it takes to complete something and that will not only give you experience, but it will also provide results and learned lessons in that process!

Dialed In

How many times have you heard words like Dialed In or In Sync? I’ve heard them many times and phrased in many ways, but the truth of the matter is that no matter how it’s phrased or who phrases it…many of us remain stuck in the same place.

As we get older and hopefully wiser, I’m hoping that our decisions and choices are clearer to us. I know for me some of the best quality time I get is without social media, television, or external sounds.

It’s refreshing to just hear yourself think. Try it…I dare you. You might be amazed at how creative you can be and how quickly pertinent thoughts come to you. I’d like you to consider being dialed in to you. The authentic you, that does not need an audience, but the you that needs time to make sense of the thoughts that are racing through your mind.

If we have time to recognize some of those thoughts, we may come to the conclusion that we are not truly dialed in to the real us. You owe it to yourself to be empowered! We don’t always need the gift of empowerment to be bestowed upon us by an outside source.

If we can be just a little selfish with our time we will find that we have our very own magic wand and we can make this happen. It’s not being high and mighty or anything like that, but you deserve that opportunity to be fully dialed in and committed to you.

I feel that your best is waiting on you to nurture it, so give yourself a minimum of 10 – 15 minutes a day to just focus on you. It won’t cost you a penny, but the return on your investment can be a life time of change! Remember you don't need permission...just stay dialed in!


Filling the void is something that we all feel from time to time, but it doesn't have to haunt us as often as it does. For many of us we get distracted by the noise in our lives, in fact the daily noise probably takes on it's on sense of being. I would gather to say we get so use to the noise in our daily lives it's like having another person around.
So you may ask what is this noise that I'm talking about. I'm talking about the television, the social media profiles, the i-pods, the mp3 players, all of the tablets and devices that command our attention each and every day. What other noises are there?
What about the noise that pulls on us for attention when we're not feeling quite accomplished? Don't get me wrong I know that we all have a skill, talent gift or ability, but do not get that confused with your purpose.
Let's face a crunch you might have to do what's needed, but if you are trying business opportunity after business opportunity because you're looking for this special might not be working out because you're not taking the right approach.
Before you invest in anything you need to be thorough. As an entrepreneur we're quick to tell people to do their do diligence. That is exactly right, but you also need to do your internal inventory. In order for something to pay off on the outside, you need to know what motivates you on the inside.
Cash is always a by product of our gifts, when you find that you're solely motivated by cash you will constantly chase the almighty dollar. You have so much more to offer and when it's all said and done in the big scheme  of things...this life we live is about doing for others and sharing the magic.
If you are interested in discovering the magic that resides within you, I have a couple of options that are designed to be convenient for you. I'd love the opportunity to work with you on a personal level or if you're very busy, talk to me about a do it yourself model.



How well do you know yourself? Most of us probably feel we know ourselves very well because nobody can spend as much time with you as you.

My point becomes why do we repeat the same mistakes and create the same habits since we know ourselves so well? You would think that the smart money (train of thought) says, that should not happen, but it does all throughout our lives.

There are 2 things we can do with this information. We can accept the fact that we are human and nobody is perfect, so mistakes, mishaps and relapses are going to occur, or we can think like an addict in recovery and realize that once the line has been drawn in the sand there are no do overs.

Every year thousands of people make New Years resolutions. Within 30 days I would guess there are thousands of collapsed resolutions. We are in the 1st quarter of the New Year, let’s just make New Years Solutions and think like someone in recovery.

When you sail into this island of invasion, and you burn your own ships down…retreat is not an option.


  1. Have a made up mind (make it a lifestyle)
  2. Get an accountability partner
  3. Get an accountability team
  4. Meditate or pray
  5. Reward yourself in a way that is only temporary because if it’s something you’re working towards you’ll say to yourself I’m done where is my reward.
  6. Be around people that feel the same way (if you don’t know people that way, seek them out or create a group as if your life depends on it)


It may be a matter of life or death. We hope that this has been helpful to you. If so consider joining our book and membership portal, or our newsletter!

Make it count! Most people do not complete or finish things in their lives. Make your life and your stance matter more than anything else.

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Lean in to what turns you on. Lean in to what makes you strong. When you find that special something, don’t take it lightly because it can be a lifetime difference maker. Although we live our lives for ourselves, we also live it for those around us.

The people that we know that have a vested interest in our relationships are key. In many ways they keep us focused based on age or responsibility. Their mere presence can be our guideline. We’ll also find that we are the leaders in their lives and we are setting the example for them.

Leaning in is nothing more than making the full commitment to life and to doing or being connected to something that matters. What matters in your life?

We will find that there is still a sense of responsibility regarding people that we don’t have a personal relationship with. We become their role models from afar. One day we may learn that we have helped them without lifting a finger.

When you lean in you are exhibiting focus, intensity, purpose and a sense of stickitivity. When you are leaning in nothing else matters as much as your reason for being caught up in that purpose.

Make it count! Most people do not complete or finish things in their lives. Make your life and your stance matter more than anything else. Just lean in to it!

Crucial Times

Where we are now is crucial. I’m talking about how we are living our lives. There is so much going on around us and a lot of it is the amplification of negative energy, negative experiences and negative imagery.

Every platform that we receive this negativity from is an invitation to more fear, more doubt, more disgust, more hurtfulness, more anger and it will be compounded in our lives. I know how easy it is to turn to these channels or to watch these videos but we have to be wiser.

In many cases this negativity that we expose ourselves to is a small percentage of what’s happening in real time, but it’s still happening in many places and more often that we are aware of. I guess the most important fact is that it’s real and we are attracting this stimulus to ourselves. We attract it to our homes, our families and our overall way of life.

My point is you have to protect your personal space. Your mental personal space may be more important than your physical personal space in some instances. You may live in 4 – 5 different locations in your lifetime (generally speaking), but what you do to survive or stay safe in those areas can become learned behavior and you adapt to it for your survival and you adapt to it to understand how to get along with others.

What do you think would happen if you move into these areas without a sense of belonging or a sense of blending in? Your lifestyle would not be very cohesive.
Now what do you think would happen if you are trying to start a business, achieve a particular goal, or be a part of a significant relationship when all of your life or most of your life was filled with negative images, negative sound bites, and negative experiences?

In my book Radiate The Brain & Change The Game I talk about having that need of acceptance. The inability to separate yourself away from toxic people place and things can be challenging to put it mildly. Stand on your two’s and draw the line in the sand!

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I was inspired to write this brief blog because we all have an appetite for more or a need to feel fulfilled, and in many cases we don't understand many of the nuances needed to complete the process.
This piece is for that mindset



To Whom It May Concern:

If you want something you MUST be willing to go through the maze of life. There may not be instructions, and there may not be directions, but it’s required that you go through it.

Some may get through it quickly, and for some it may take a lifetime, but just as I suggest in my speeches and workshops it’s not about who comes in first place, but simply to complete the experience.

In fact it’s normal to want to get through the maze of life as quickly as you can, but you MUST remember the race isn’t always rewarded by being the quickest.  There will be times when you need to fail, or come in second place in order to appreciate and retain that experience.

If you always win there are rewards for that, but tread lightly my friend, the true life lesson is in the failure. If you never fail you will never learn how to overcome obstacles, so don’t celebrate too soon.

Just as one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, one man’s failure may be the lesson another man needs to obtain a degree and a sustainable yet successful life!


The voice of evolution


As we enter 2015 and we create our game-plan for the future we should keep in mind that knowing self is imperative to filling one of or some of life's voids. It can be very difficult to have a complete life without knowing how to fill the void or how to identify the gift we have and knowing how to utilize it.

Your special gift is key to your future. Many of these specific issues is addressed in my book "Radiate The Brain & Change The Game".


What Do You Think it Takes to Become Your Best Self?

What do you think is vital to becoming your best self? What do you personally do to become the best you that you possibly can? There are numerous opinions and facts about this subject, however which ever option you choose doesn’t really matter because it all starts and ends with you.

My first question to you would be how well do you know yourself, and how much have you developed yourself? There is a logical progression to most things and this is no different. Our educational experience is crucial to our development.
Most of us start with the basics as we advance through 12 – 13 years of the basic education, and then on to an additional 4 – 5 years of the collegiate or university experience. During this time we are in one of 3 brackets. We have a sheltered, but thorough academic experience, we have a basic life experience based on day to day living without the education, or we have a combination of both which would seem to make the individual more well-rounded.

The most important point is to realize that no matter what bracket or category you’re in…it is imperative that you apply yourself. That relates to learning about a particular task, or literally doing a particular task. This experience will benefit you down the line as you encounter life hurtles and obstacles. There isn’t a blue print that determines your outcome depending on which category you were in. You simply must apply yourself, pay your dues, learn the lessons, keep the faith, and stay committed to the goal / task before you.

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Brand Connection


Many times in life we go through so many scenarios trying to arrive, yet we can never seem to get to our actual desired destination. Generally speaking it may be ok to be aloof, uncertain, etc., but in business this is not acceptable.

You may hear people that are in business say things like start with the end in mind, or write out what you want to happen or create a vision board, etc. I’ll be the first to tell you that I wasted many years by not simply writing down my goals.

I also know that whether you write your goal out or NOT! You will want the written goal and your actions to support one another. There should be a connection between your company name, your slogan, your logo, your message, and most importantly YOU!

Sometimes we just don’t know the in’s and out’s of various aspects of business, but in my book “Radiate The Brain & Change The Game” I talk about how important it is to invest. This has nothing to do with money, well not very much.

I’m talking about how much do you invest in your activities? What do you spend time doing? What type of people do you hangout with? The people around you are critical in your growth and learning. So, are you hanging out with dream stealers, or are you actually hanging out with losers…the people that want to drink until the bottom of bottle is no longer wet?

There are more tips in the book about how we invest, but the point is you want everything to be in alignment. Most importantly you, it’s critical that when someone see’s you and here’s you…it all makes sense. If you have needs for presentation skills or other coaching contact me for a FREE 15 minute consult!


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What do you dream about? When was your last dream? What did you dream about as you were growing up during your youth? Many of us lose our dreams and our ability to dream.

Scientifically I’m told that we dream nightly, but we don’t remember those dreams. Now there is another side to those of us with plans and goals. It seems that we go from imagination or visualization, to discussion and eventually dreams.

My point is that dreaming can be a big part of your development, evolution and your success. When I was a child I dreamed and hoped for a career as a musician. Many of my desires came through, but not as meaningfully as I would have liked because I got lazy.

When it’s all said and done I can only blame myself for my lack of success as singer. I was cute and didn’t think that I had to work on my craft. In hindsight, I imagine that I thought things would workout just because.

Nothing works out just because you want it to. We must put effort in all things. The silver lining is that…all of those years on stages and performance prepared me for the life that I have now as a National Trainer, Speaker & Author. As a cast member of The Keynote Reality Show I was able to use all of my expertise and new nuances to showcase my professionalism. What will or can your dreams afford you the opportunity to achieve?


By definition resilience is having the ability to bounce back or recover quickly from illness or change. There is so much to be said about this word because it’s powerful! As I look back over my life and I think things over I realize that there have been so many occurrences that I’ve experienced and, yes I’ve been resilient…I’ve bounced back.Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 2.19.24 AM

If I had not been in these various situations, my thoughts, my feelings and my opinion about this word would be very different. I have learned so many life lessons. When I was on The Keynote (reality show) I realized how fortunate I was. Many people in our society would love to be on television and in the public eye and I understand that, but for many it might be for the wrong reason.

My motives are quite different today. When I was younger it would have been more of a self servant vanity campaign, but at this stage in my life having battled addiction, and being a two time cancer survivor it’s all about grace and responsibility.

The Keynote is one of my many examples of how I’ve been resilient. I’ve bounced back with and for a purpose. I’m grateful for my challenges because now that I’ve bounced back I can give back.

It may take some effort, but my questions for you are have you been resilient or will you be resilient? Learn more about my experience on The Keynote: @ #TheKeynote