Let’s face it…to some degree we’re all still growing, but are you able to monitor yourself or assess yourself honestly and accurately? I think many of us think we can, but may have a problem hitting the nail on the head. That question brings me to today’s topic. Are you coachable?
When you’re starting a new venture (job for example and you’ve gotten past the final interview) you have to prove yourself. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a new area or an area that you have experience in. At some point you’re going to have someone tell you about the assignment, the process or the position. What you do from that point says a lot.
How do you respond when someone tells you what to do? How do you respond when you’re being taught? Are you able to take constructive criticism? The answers to these questions determine whether or not you can be reached by others in a learning capacity. It doesn’t have to be in a scholastic environment, but just any environment relative to learning (hence…coach-ability).
Now one difference may be if you were to answer the questions above, with total buy in from the participant. In other words how do you answer or respond to those questions when its a topic that you like? What is the criteria for being coachable? You may find that the person whom is coachable is also much more likable. They have the same effect on us as does the person that’s the life of the party in many situations.
There are many reasons why people, simply are not coachable. Some people think that generally speaking…their age gives them priority or seniority over someone younger than they and that gives them reason to not listen to someone that is their junior. It’s not always a conscious choice, but never the less at the end of the day…that is the core issue.
One of my coaches is 17 years younger than me. I wouldn’t dare judge them based on age when their success, their popularity and their $$dollars and sense says…HEY LISTEN!
In other scenarios you have the high achiever or over achiever that has been successful in so many different things and now they feel that they are entitled to a pass. They want to go directly to the bottom line without any training or any preliminary steps to be vetted in a new position or venture.
Now, in some cases this person may have a point, but it must be clear if you are to lead and build leaders…you must understand the difference in how you identify and indoctrinate anyone that’s new to a company, an opportunity or a process. This is an all to common debacle when it comes to people of wealth…they (in many cases) have a sense of entitlement and want to skirt the learning curve.
I learned from personal experience that if something is to become duplicatable “that process” must respected. So my friend if you are building anything of significance you must honor your goal as more important than you the individual if it is to mean anything at all. That simply means the purpose for a thing is where the focus is. The focus should not be on the individual who becomes the big deal.
The level of frustration, the waste of time and money will result in an attempt to coach the un-coachable. Some money, just isn’t worth it!
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